Join our Clinic Growth Map members, both Canadian & American therapy practice owners, as they share insights into how they built their successful group practices.
I’m a Psychologist (retired), mom of twins and your business bestie!
In 3 years, I grew my therapy practice to 55 therapists, and generated multiple 7-figures in revenue. In my 4th year, I sold the business and in my 5th year, I retired as a Psychologist!
Let me show you the exact steps you need to help more people, have more freedom, and make more money.
Monday, July 8th 12pm ET
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The real challenges faced while growing a group practice, along with the steps, hacks, and strategies used to keep moving forward!
Overcoming imposter syndrome,
mapping outcomes & obstacles, and reimagining your future
Thinking beyond right now, aligning with your vision, and getting clear on your goals
Taming the to-do overwhelm, removing emotion from process, and prioritizing for your success
Free download
8-Steps to a High-Converting Specialty Page!
I provide you with the exact formula used by the best digital marketing teams in North America. Turn clicks into conversions.
Understand what type of page you need, how to write it, and how it can help you get more reach with your ideal audience.
A must-have for growing your group practice!
Don’t lose out on the power of business coaching
Join our Clinic Growth Map members and get the ‘ah-ha’ moment you need to keep moving forward.